Everyone Deserves Summer Fun
It’s finally summer!
Long summer days bring fresh opportunities to do things as a family. What if you could build memories while giving back to the community?
Interfaith Works’ programs are filled with opportunities for families looking to make a difference to our neighbors. Throughout Interfaith Works’ locations, there is always a need for community, fun, and the spirit of family throughout the summer.
In our Supportive Housing and Emergency Shelters, clients report feeling isolated, and our volunteers play a large part in breaking down that barrier. Families are invited to host a BBQ or a family fun day at any of our Shared Supportive Housing locations, each serving 7 older adult men or women with disabilities and vulnerabilities. Children must be 10 years or older to volunteer with the Shared Supportive Housing programs.

Have crafty children? All shelters and houses are looking for families to host arts and crafts or other creative sessions for our neighbors. Families can volunteer at either of the Women Centers (Rockville or Derwood), which provide shelter for 35 women each or at the Residences (Silver Spring), which serves about 20 individuals with disabilities and/or histories of chronic homelessness. Children must be 14 years or older to volunteer in a shelter.
Finally, have enough time to get the kids to clean out those closets? Not only can gently used clothes, linens, clothing hangers, and toys be donated to the Essential Needs Center (751 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville), but families are invited to do a volunteer shift together! Children must be 14 years or older to volunteer at the Essential Needs Center.
To volunteer with Interfaith Works this summer, please reach out to Chris Pena at cpena@iworksmc.org. Thank you for bringing community and care to our clients this summer.