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7th Annual Rockstar Awards Greater Rockville Chamber of Commerce

The Greater Rockville Chamber of Commerce (GRCC) annually recognizes its Rockstars of the Year in the following categories: Small Business of the Year, Large Business of the Year, Non-Profit of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, and Young Professional of the Year.

Small Business of the Year Award recognizes a company that has been in business for at least five years with revenue under $5M. Specific criteria include flexibility, innovation, and a proven, unique business and marketing strategy that has benefited the Rockville community.

The 2022 Small Business of the Year was SHS Payroll.

Large Business of the Year Award recognizes a company committed to the vitality and community in Rockville, which has over 50 employees and over $5M in revenue. Specific criteria include a commitment to their employees and customers and invested time, energy, and resources in the Rockville community.

The 2022 Large Business of the Year Award was Universal Communities.

The Non-Profit of the Year Award recognizes outstanding practices among Rockville's diverse non-profit organizations. Specific criteria include success in creating a lasting and beneficial impact for Rockville residents and setting a solid example for other non-profits in the community.

The 2022 Non-Profit of the Year was Manna Food Center.

Entrepreneur of the Year Award recognizes a person who works for or operates a business taking on financial risk to do so, identifies a need that no existing businesses address, and determines a solution for that need. Additionally, although the term "entrepreneur" is often associated with startups and small businesses, any founder of a successful household-named business began as an entrepreneur. Specific criteria include year-over-year growth, innovation, resilience, flexibility, a unique business and marketing strategy, and a proven track record of commitment to the Rockville community and businesses.

The 2022 Entrepreneur of the Year was Betty Sullivan of Architessa

Young Professional of the Year Award recognizes an individual who is active in the Young Professional group of our Chamber and steps up to a leadership role within their organization. Specific criteria include tenacity and an exemplary commitment to the Rockville community and businesses.

Ethan Litvin of SEEC was the 2022 Young Professional of the Year.


When nominating, please:

  • Describe in some detail the Products and/or Services this company provides. *
  • Why are you nominating this company? *

Please be specific and provide substantial information highlighting achievements and processes. (Minimum of 3 paragraphs + Minimum of 200 words is required.)

Nomination Criteria

All nominees must:

  • Be a member in good standing for 12 months or more
  • Attend events regularly
  • Be active on committees and masterminds

When giving a description of why you are making a nomination, please provide a minimum of 3 paragraphs and a minimum of 200 words for your answer.  Any submissions with less will be returned to the person making the nomination.

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