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Resources for Maryland Impacted Workers

Unemployment Insurance (UI)

  • Unemployment insurance is available to eligible Marylanders, including certain workers who have separated from employment with the Federal government, Federal contractors, and Federal grantees. More information available on this dedicated webpage.
  • Federal civilian employees who become unemployed due to no fault of their own can apply for Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE). Other eligible workers can apply through the regular UI program. Self-employed workers and independent contractors are not eligible for UI benefits.
  • Individuals who are found eligible can receive up to $430 in weekly benefits (pre-tax).
  • To apply for unemployment, workers can file online or call 667-207-6520 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Federal workers should select option #9.
  • Workers should apply for UI benefits in the jurisdiction of their "duty station." This means, for example, that if you are a Marylander who is laid off from a federal job based in Virginia, you should apply for benefits in Virginia. Here are direct links to apply for UI benefits in MarylandWashington, DC; and Virginia.

Job Search and Career Support

  • Maryland offers virtual and in-person services for workers seeking new job opportunities or who need reemployment support. Services include résumé workshops, individualized career guidance, mock interviews, career and skills assessment, job search strategies, support in coping with job loss and job transition, networking support, reemployment workshops, and more.
  • These resources are provided through 33 American Job Centers (AJCs) and our specialized Professional Outplacement Assistance Center (POAC). Please see the AJC and POAC websites for hours and locations. For answers to common questions from workers transitioning from federal employment to new opportunities, see this resource guide and FAQ page.
  • The Maryland Department of Labor is offering a free virtual workshop for former federal employees and contractors who are seeking support to explore new job opportunities.This workshop is every Wednesday, 9 a.m. - noon. To sign up, email
  • The State of Maryland is hiring: If you are interested in continuing your public service in a new way, please visit this webpage to see a list of open positions.

Legal Resources

Federal Employment Rules & Regulations

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